Thursday, February 9, 2017

Some Useful Spanish phrases

Learning Spanish language is incomplete without knowing some words or phrases that you can use in many situations you encounter in life. These are usually small words, or short phrases composed of few words, which help you survive in a country full of speakers of the language you are learning, in our case, Spanish speakers. Some of these phrases are so powerful that they can unlock possibilities for you to be able successfully get your message across. Take for example the simple and indispensable Spanish question: ¿Cómo se dice [English word] en español?  Without knowing how to ask this to a native 'hispanohablante' when you encounter a difficult English word  to translate in Spanish, you will be stuck in a deadend!!! And all your conversation will be stuck, too! Of course, you want to avoid this at all costs, right?

Alright then! Now it's the reason that it'll do you good to learn useful Spanish phrases! Oh, and don't forget: commit them to memory, so you won't have a hard time saying that word at the tip of your tongue!!! :)

Below are a couple of them! Good luck...

¡Hola! - Hello!

Buenos días - Good morning

Buenas tardes - Good afternoon, Good evening

Buenas noches - Good night

Perdone/Perdón - Excuse me (when calling the attention of somebody)

Lo siento - Sorry (when apologizing)

Señor/Señora/Señorita - Mister/Missus/Miss

¡Adiós! - Goodbye

Hasta luego - See you later

Gracias - Thank you

Muchas gracias - Thank you very much

De nada - You're welcome

Necesito información sobre... - I need information about...

¿Me puede decir dónde puedo...? - Could you tell me where I can...?

¿Dónde hay...? - Where is there ...?

Sí - Yes

No - No

¿Tiene hora? / ¿Qué hora es? - What time is it?

Estoy perdido - I'm lost (when the speaker is a man)

Estoy perdida - I'm lost (for woman)

So, that's it! I hope you enjoyed the list of some useful Spanish phrases, and that you can use them in your travel or stay in a Spanish-speaking country...

¡Adiós, hasta luego!

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