Hi! How are you? I hope you're doing fine. It's fine here in the Philippines, how about there?
Anyways, we're gonna tackle the part of grammar called "conjunctions" today!
Conjunctions are words or group of words that serve to connect two clauses to make one whole sentence. There are so many different conjunctions. However we'll just be looking at some of them.
Are you ready? Let's go!!!
The first conjunction is "A CONDICIÓN DE QUE" which means "on condition that" or "provided that". It is best if we're gonna construct sentences with the conjunction in it.
*Usted puede irse a condición de que, cuando regrese, someta una nota justificativa.
(You can go provided that you submit an excuse note upon your return.)
*Los padres le dejarán jugar videojuegos a condición de que él nunca juegue hasta la madrugada.
(His parents will let him play videogames on condition that he never plays until after midnight.)
Next, we have "A FIN DE QUE" which means "so that, in order that"
*Hay que cepillarse los dientes regularmente a fin de que los dientes siempre queden libres de cavidades. (One must brush the teeth regularly so that the teeth are always free from cavities).
*Intento entregar todas mis tareas a mi jefe a tiempo a fin de que no me echen.
(I try to submit my tasks to my boss on time in order that I won't get fired.)
The third one is, "A MENOS QUE" which means "unless"
*No toques nada en ese mostrador a menos que tú sepas para qué son o cómo funcionan.
(Don't touch anything in that counter unless you know their purpose or function.)
* Nosotros no podemos salir todavía a menos que los jefes nos digan que sí.
(We can't go out yet unless the bosses tells us to do so.)
So, how is it going so far?
The next conjunction to learn is "A PESAR DE QUE", which means "in spite of" or "despite"
*A pesar de la tormenta ayer yo fui al trabajo.
(In spite of the storm yesterday I went to work)
*La niña comió muchos dulces a pesar de que le dolieran las muelas.
(The girl ate a lot of candies despite her teeth were hurting.
Having fun now? Let's move on to the next conjunction which is "ANTES QUE", meaning "before".
*Antes que te acuestes, repasa todas tus lecciones.
(Before lying down in bed, review all your lessons.)
*Ya estábamos en la oficina antes que el jefe llegó.
(We were already at the office before the boss arrived.)
Then, we have the conjunction "AUNQUE", and this means "even if", "even though"
*Aunque el jefe está, las parlanchinas no dejan de hacer ruidos con sus cuentos.
(Even if the boss is in, the chatterboxes don't stop telling stories loudly.)
*¿De verdad lo comprarás aunque es muy costoso?
(Will you really buy it even though it's very expensive?)
The next conjuction is "CADA VEZ QUE", which means "each time that"
*Cada vez que nos vemos, nos saludamos.
(Everytime we see each other, we greet each other.)
*De niño recibía muchos regalitos cada vez que fuera la Navidad.
(When I was young I received many gifts everytime it's Christmas)
Another conjunction is "COMO", meaning "as", "since"
*Como no estaba lloviendo, los amigos fueron a divertirse en el centro.
(Since it wasn't raining, the friends went downtown to have fun)
*Imprimí el archivo como me mandó el jefe.
(I printed the file as the boss ordered)
The next one is "COMO SI", which means "as if"
*Aquel empleado le gritó al jefe como si fuera el jefe.
(That employee shouted at the boss as if he was the boss).
* Mi amigo en coche me pasó como si yo no estuviera allá esperándolo.
(My friend drove past me as if I wasn't there waiting for him).
Then we have "CUANDO" which means "when".
*Cuando salga el jefe, te contaré aquel ocurrido.
(When the boss leaves, I'll talk to you about what happened.)
* Vosotros no podéis tocar este aparato cuando no estamos aquí.
(You cannot touch this appliance when we're not here.)
"DESDE QUE" is a conjunction that means "since"
*Tú estás comportando raramente desde que llegaste de tu estancia en aquella ciudad,
(You're behaving weirdly since you arrived from your stay in that city)
*Yo no he tomado nada de merienda desde que llegué al oficina.
(I haven't taken in any snacks since I arrived at the office.)
"DESPUÉS QUE" means "after"
*Después que cenó, mi marido agarró su móvil y escuchó su música favorita.
(After he ate dinner, my husband took his mobile phone and listened to his favorite music.)
*Tuve mucha hambre después que terminó la larga entrevista.
(I was so hungry after the long meeting was ajourned.)
"EN CASO QUE" means "in case that"
*Pueden llamar mi atención en caso que tengan dudas sobre el examen.
(You can call me in case you have questions regarding the exam.)
*En caso que el presidente no está, el vice presidente puede presidir.
(In case the president is not around, the vice president can preside).
To be continued in the next blogpost ... See you! :)
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